Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Twelve Months

Weight: 26 lbs

Health: Happy and healthy!

Sleep: Staying steady at around 7am daily-- thank goodness!

Social: While shy in some social situations, James Robert mostly adores playing with other kids and waving to everyone in the neighborhood

Diet:  James Robert continues to be a good eater, but it is getting harder and harder to get him to try new foods.  This month, his new favorite thing are English Muffins

Clothes: We're moving into more 18 month items as well as 24-2T in some shirts

Baby gear:
1) This push toy is a classic
2) This teepee is honestly as much fun for Mom and Dad as a toddler
3) Pinehole press' book of names and faces is a favorite
4) James Robert has taken a liking to baby golf clubs much to Mat's excitement
5) Vroom vrooms like these are a boy must-have
6) A play tunnel is a great indoor and outdoor adventure activity

Likes: Swinging at the park, playing ball with Major, dancing to music and going over to Gram and Grandpa's for dinner 

James Robert's 1st Birthday Party

Who knew kids Birthday parties could be so fun? I had a blast planning and participating in our Birthday bash for James Robert.  We didn't have a theme per se, rather, we focused on one of James Robert's favorite things-- balloons.
James Robert was anything but shy at his party.  He soaked in all the attention and loved every second of his Birthday serenade and especially loved his first taste of birthday cake (red velvet with cream cheese frosting).

We had so many special people help us celebrate.  Friends and family from all corners of James Robert's life.  It was so fun to celebrate this milestone and enjoy an evening of good food, drinks and company.

I may have gone a bit overboard with the decor, but I just couldn't help myself. There are WAY too many cute ideas for kids out there.  Here were a few of the DIY projects:
Gram made the bunting, I used chalkboard markers for this fun recap
A DIY silhouette and party favors   
the buffet table
my labor of love was the sweets table complete with cake pops... never again!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Letter to James Robert: 1 year

Dear James Robert,

Happy first Birthday!  Since your arrival last year, many things have changed; you’ve reached milestones such as walking, talking, clapping and even dancing, but one thing will always stay the same-- we will love you, unfailingly. 

Becoming your Mama, holding you in my arms and watching you grow has brought indefinable joy. We’ve loved, laughed, cried and learned so much this first year. 

On March 3, 2013 the lens through which life was focused became clearer and while teaching you new things, you taught me many things too, namely about love.

You taught me about a love deeper than I knew I was capable of, a love that transcends one’s own needs for that of another. 

You taught me about a love that mamas feel for their baby’s having babies and that the instinctual desire to care and protect never goes away.

You taught me the strength of love bound by new life brings a deeper meaning to husband and wife. 

You taught me of the warmth of community that showers love and prayers to lift up the fragile and prized moments of a newborn. 

You taught me about a love that breaks your heart with sweetness for the passing of time eludes pause and the saccharine moments of rocking a sleeping baby will become only memories.

You taught me about a love that bends but does not break in the difficulty of sleeplessness and aching self-doubt that comes from wanting only the best for your beloved.

You taught me about a love that deepens faith, for you are testament that all things comes from above, that blessings are to be cherished and exalted.

James Robert, you are a gift.  Every time you look into my eyes, every time you hold my hand, every giggle, every knowing glance as we share a new experience, every proud smile of a new achievement, every cry for Mama makes me pause in praise of the blessing you are.

I wish for you a year filled with many more milestones.  I hope you grow in love, you retain your innate tenderness and you continue to greet the new days with zest. 

Happy Birthday my sweet boy. 
All my love, Mama   

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

A walk in the park

I couldn't pick a favorite from our recent park session.  These images show the blooming personality of our little one.  Both heartwarming and tear-inducing for me as Mom is the evidence of toddler-like behavior.  I'm savoring this stage and all of James Robert's energy!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Eleven Months

These pictures are getting harder and harder to take!
This is truer to his personality. 
Weight: Guessing that he is around 24lbs

Health: Happy and healthy!!

Sleep: Thank heaven. This month James Robert began to sleep in a little bit in the morning.  Waking up around 7am has made a world of difference for our family.

Social: Between music class and play dates with friends, James Robert has shown more and more interest in engaging with other kids his age.  He also adores having Gram and Grandpa Gerber living so close and visiting them.
James Robert and Julia

Diet: New favorites are Cheerios, hummus!, Oranges and still any kind of pasta
Finger licking good pasta 

Clothes: Still hanging on to most of our 12-18 month clothes, but we're getting tight!
music class with Gram 
Baby Gear:

1) Sports center.
2) At music class, James Robert likes to play with all types of instruments that he can shake
3) This classic book has become captivating as touching, pointing and feeling are so engaging at this age
4) We recently started taking James Robert in hikes in his backpack and he loves it
5) A twist on the stacking blocks that keep little hands very busy
"vroom vroom" is James Robert's favorite expression lately 

Likes: Riding in his car, music class, dancing in his crib, any type of ball and of course eating!

To see more pictures from the last month, click here

Monday, January 6, 2014

Ten Months

This is the best picture we could get this month... he didn't want to sit still!
He wouldn't keep the sticker on.
Weight: 24 lbs and 13.5 oz

Health: We had a scare this month when James Robert woke up with a swollen eye due to an allergic reaction, but other than that he has been happy and healthy.

Sleep: If he sleeps until 6am we're lucky these days. Better than last month, so hopefully we'll improve steadily!

Social: James Robert was lucky to be able to spend a week with his cousin, Kate, over the holidays.  He already idolizes her. Watching the two of them interact brought countless laughs.

Diet:  We're transitioning to more and more solid foods and experimenting with textures.  Besides being very careful to avoid anything with tree nuts or peanuts, we've been branching out.  Juicy pears, berries, avocado and spaghetti are all hits.

Clothes:  Luckily, this month, James Robert mostly grew up and not out.  We're wearing still mostly 12 mo clothes.

Baby gear: Here are some of our favorites from this month
1) Bubbles are almost as much fun to play with as an adult as they are for James Robert.  These don't pop when they land on the ground so it gives him time to chase them around which he loves.
2) Blocks.  All kinds.
3) Lovie has been such a key part of our sleep routine, especially when traveling
4) This car was the highlight of James Robert's Christmas morning
5) A soft, personalized, interactive book, like this, is so fun to read plus it's educational
6) Thanks to great recommendations from other Moms we tried pedi peds for his first shoes and they have been great for beginning walkers.
7) Teething is no fun, but this thing seems to make it a bit more bearable.
8) Balloons continue to facinate James Robert; they make him light up with joy

Likes: Bubbles, balloons, driving in his toy car and dancing to music

Milestones:  This month was truly indredible. Of any month so far, this one seemed to be the most remarkable in terms of changes.  He went from pulling himself up, to crawling on all fours to WALKING!  His two front teeth came in just before Christmas and he learned so many skills-- waving, clapping, playing peek-a-boo and kisses.  It's not unlikely to find him standing in his crib waiting for us!  

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2013 year in review

Looking back on 2013, it's incredible how much life can change and how blessed it has been.  Wishing you and yours a very Happy New Year and cheers to 2014!!