Amid a perfect fall evening in Charlotte, we celebrated Mat's graduation from Wake Forest's MBA program. Two years of hard work and dedication were commemorated with a ceremony at the Mint Museum uptown.
Walking the stage to accept his diploma and receiving a distinguished
academic achievement award were highlights of the celebration.
Speakers commended the graduating class for being an
accomplished group of working professionals. It was truly remarkable to hear
the life events collected by Mat and his classmates. 11 babies were born during the program,
marathons run, loved ones deployed to Iraq, new jobs etc. How different our lives looked 2 years ago when Mat embarked on this journey!
To my dear husband, our dreams are your dreams. The theme of your key note speaker perfectly reflected my sentiments on the celebration of such a milestone accomplishment in your life. I watched you dedicate yourself tirelessly to your MBA program and couldn’t be more in awe of your ability to juggle work, school, travel and a new baby.