Monday, August 24, 2015

Pure Michigan 2015 Part I

Last year, I officially declared this photo op a tradition.  This is James Robert's third summer in Michigan (previous pics here and here)  and I can hardly believe how big he looks in this photo.  It's such a mom thing to do, but I just adore picking out a sailboat outfit for the occasion and taking him down to the beach for a photo.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Toronto Tourists + Erin Comes to Visit

We're so glad that Erin picked July to come and visit us; summer is such a wonderful time to visit Toronto!
We had the best time playing tourist in our new city while we also showed her the sites.  One of our favorite day trips was visiting the Toronto Islands.  You board a ferry in the city and less than 10 minutes later you're greeted with wonderful views, gardens, beaches and even a small amusement park and farm.  
We also visited the St. Lawrence Market.  It's such a fun place to browse and get a feel for the city.  Moreover, James Robert is obsessed with the buskers.

We also made sure to take lots of walks around Oakville to soak in the perfect summer weather.  
Most of all, we enjoyed spending time with such a dear friend!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Summer Nights

Our nightly post-dinner routine includes a quick trip down to the lake to throw rocks.  It's the sweetest kind of father and son bonding.  

Friday, July 31, 2015

July 2015

PicMonkey Collage
What isn't to love about sweet summertime?  Fireworks, farmers markets, family and friends to visit with.  It was glorious.  Toronto is in it's prime at this time of year and we're trying to make the most of it while in town.   

Monday, July 27, 2015

July Chicago Visit

James Robert and I extended our 4th of July trip and headed to Chicago for a few weeks to visit with family and friends.  Our visit was filled with non-stop fun activities!
Visiting the Arboretum where Mommy and Daddy got married
Blackberry Farm
James Robert's second carousel ride of the trip
James Robert's first trip to the dentist visiting Dr ("Aunti") Eryn!
Celebrating Gram's Birthday
Lots of play time with Aunt Nikki
Visiting Downtown Naperville
Brookfield Zoo
Visiting the Monkeys and Gorillas
I even managed to sneak away for an evening out with friend's!

Great Lakes Ranch: Yakety Yak

Just a quick PSA.  If you haven't slipped your foot into an alpaca and yak lined sock, you're not living. Yes, I am aware that it is the middle of summer.  But moving to Canada will make one prepare for winter months in advance.  Let me explain...
We discovered these gems while visiting Great Lakes Ranch.  
We came as a fun activity for James Robert, which it was (yaks are adorable).  And we discovered that they also make incredibly soft wares. We left with a few pairs of, what I'm sure will be, a winter necessity.  
P.S. Great Lakes Ranch was just featured on Blue Collar Millionaires and it's fascinating to learn about how they breed the alpacas and yaks!

July 4th in Northern Michigan

There is an earnest wholesomeness in the summertime of Northern Michigan that induces nostalgia and childlike-joy to bubble up. Besides the cherries, it’s one of my favorite things about visiting this area every year. 

It's become a family tradition to come back to the U.S. for 4th of July while we are expiating. A patriotic pilgrimage, if you will.   Living in a different country, albeit hours away made this year’s celebrations one of the best yet. 

Polka Festival in Cedar
Parade in Glen Arbor

Fireworks over Little Travese
Second Annual Flag Cake