Thursday, December 26, 2013
Monday, December 23, 2013
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Monday, December 9, 2013
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Nine Months
Weight: guessing about 23lbs
Health: this month, we found out that James Robert has peanut allergies and eczema. We found a wonderful pediatric allergist that is working with us as we learn to keep our little guy safe and feeling better.
Sleep: We're dealing with a bit of sleep regression. Between teething, travel and being more vocal about his wants, James Robert has been waking up a lot at night. Mom and Dad are very tired and hoping that our well rested baby returns soon!
Diet: Besides nuts, James Robert is exploring lots of new foods. He's still loving sweet potato and chicken and his new favorite is a "tropical smoothie" which is avocado, pineapple, banana and yogurt
Clothes: Mostly 12 month clothes now... things are quickly being outgrown!
Baby gear: Here are some of our favorites this month-
1) We upgraded to a larger and more snuggly sleep sack, just in time for Chicago's blustery weather
2) A classic that now captures his interest
3) This bead roller coaster is a fun way to practice fine moder skills
4) Teething pain was abated with frozen treats tucked into these mesh feeders
5) The 2-in-1 onsies have become a favorite way to keep our active little guy covered while playing
6) Baby Einstein does it again with this toy, James Robert spend countless hours dancing along and enjoying his new found freedom of standing
7) The Melissa and Doug walker is a great beginner walker as it has a low center of gravity
Likes: Dancing and eating are still favorite activities. Any and all music will get him swaying back and forth with a smile on his face. Visiting with new people, playing with stacking toys and of course Major.
Milestones: James Robert has hit what seems like a rapid period of development and growth with many milestones. Two new top teeth have broken through and his ability to interact becomes more and more involved everyday. From peak-a-boo, to pulling himself up to standing on nearly every object available, our little man is showing his personality more and more. This month he started saying "dada" more and more.
To see more pictures from this month, click here.
Saturday, November 30, 2013
With so many things to be thankful for, Thanksgiving 2013 was one for the history books.
A few of the things that topped our list:
1. We say it everyday, we're beyond grateful for this little turkey
A few of the things that topped our list:
1. We say it everyday, we're beyond grateful for this little turkey
2. Delicious food
3. Family gathering from near and far
4. A beautiful, festive table. My Mom outdid herself this year
5. The blessing to watch this little boy grow. His version the "turkey trot"had us in stitches
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Eight Months
Weight: 22 lbs and 13 oz
Health: Happy and healthy!
Sleep: We'll blame it on daylight savings, but this month James Robert decided that he was a VERY early morning person. We're begging him to sleep in!
Social: We took trips to visit new friends at Bear Lake and Gram and Grandpa visited Charlotte- it has been a fun month for social activities. James Robert also looks forward to play dates with his besties Jack and Julia.
Diet: It's so fun to watch his palate develop. While he is picky about anything green, the kid hasn't met a fruit he doesn't love. Prunes, corn and sweet potato and yogurt are his current favorites.
Baby gear:
1) We have loved the knitted, cozy koala hat from Knight Owl's Etsy shop
2) This little tug boat makes the trip from bath time to our swim lessons each week
3) James Robert was gifted a bench with his name on it and he endlessly plays with the letters--stacking, banging and slobbering his way through playtime. This will be a keepsake toy that we know will grow with him.
4) Baby Beluga has been the song for James Robert. Since he was little it has helped calm him like none other. Now I plug in the Raffi pandora station and we have so much fun.
5) We struggle to keep socks on, but these swedish moccasins seem to have a bit more staying power for the colder temps
6) The Apple Park book and monkey puppet are one of James Robert's current favorites. The website is adorable too with lots of eco-friendly and organic living tips
7) Le Petite Bateau has the most perfect coverall; ours was a gift from Gram and Grandpa's Paris trip so it's extra special
8) After many attempts, we landed on the InnoBaby Sippy cup which is both our favorite and James Roberts. I love that it is stainless steel and can convert to a cup for when he is a bit older. The straw allows him to get every last drop without having to lean back too. For Charlotte locals, we got ours at the baby grocery store which is fantastic!
Likes: "Walking" while holding our hands, dancing in your exersaucer, taking walks, chewing on anything you can get your hands on, laughing at Major and eating new foods
Milestones: After practicing with Gram, James Robert began to army crawl and much to Major's chagrin he chases after him.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Monday, October 14, 2013
Bear Lake Mountain Trip
We took our first trip to the mountains of North Carolina this past weekend and it was James Robert's first road trip. We were hosted by Mat's friends from Wake Forest and had a wonderful weekend. After a scary drive up the mountain in the dark, we awoke to a gorgeous fall retreat and had a relaxing time enjoying the seasonal festivities.

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